About Chris Payne

This page is a little out of date… 🙂 …but I’m leaving it here as Google indexes it highly!

To visit the up-to-date version, go here: www.christopherjohnpayne.com/about

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Chris is an internationally recognised facilitator, mentor, trainer, entrepreneur and marketing expert.

He is the creator of The Effort-Free Life System, a set of up to 19 CDs, 1 DVD and a 70-page playbook which has sold thousands of sets around the world at a price between US$297 and US$1,497…

EFLS cropped tight.jpg

Chris has:

* run seminars on personal development in the UK, USA and Australia (with more photos here)…

Seminar 2

* presented at marketing conferences in the UK, US and Australia, including this shot from a conference run by US marketeer Dan Kennedy…


* conducted 45 monthly 90-minute teleconference calls providing group coaching for his Effort-Free Life students.

* run associated teleconference calls with as many as 300 people on the line.

* created dozens of short recordings to help people resolve challenges in their lives…


* spoken via a video link in the UK to hundreds of people in a seminar in Melbourne, Australia…

Chris-Payne-video link

* spoken on stage in front of as many as 2,200 people (video extract here) for 60 minutes…


* had 300,000 copies of an interview with him called How to feel happy and free right now mailed around the UK.

Click here to reveal some feedback about this recorded interview. 
(Mark Giles writes, “I must have listened to your interview “How to feel happy and free right now” over 50 times, and I seem to gain something from it with every play. You hint at so much more, and I can well imagine what can be achieved. I then searched for you via Google, and found your site. I enjoyed looking through the various products, and I loved your family pictures.”

* contributed a 2-hour talk to support those with anorexia and bulimia for a CD programme created by a medical doctor based in Australia called Dr Irina Webster…


* produced 45 monthly issues of the Effort-Free Life Newsletter, each issue consisting of 12 A4 pages, mostly written by Chris, sold on subscription to people around the world…


* been one of 6 people interviewed for a CD set called Mind Power University, created by Stephen Pierce, a respected internet marketing coach…

Mind Power University wide.jpg

* sold 10,000 sets of the PhotoReading Whole Mind System CDs; sold 7,000 Sedona Method CD sets; plus sold several thousand Paraliminal CDs, thousands of Centerpointe Awakening Prologue sets, etc – all in the UK

* acted as marketing advisor to owners of mail order and internet businesses

* been a director of The Vegetarian Society of the UK

* received US$308,000 in training by way of books, seminars, CD sets, and coaching programmes in the area of personal development, marketing and more (For even more detail about Chris, click here.)

What Chris does now

Chris focuses on 2 areas…

1. Having, in some years, sold million of dollars of his own and other people’s products, and mailed up to 1 million sales letters in a single year, for a small proportion of his time Chris coaches people on turning their knowledge into books, CDs, mp3 downloads, ebooks, seminars etc, with the aim to create a part-time or full-time income – even if they don’t know what their expertise is. Some of the people who approach Chris have already had considerable success with marketing products but simply want to move to the next level. More info here.

Chris-Payne-bookcases [Above is a Photoshopped image to show what Chris’s personal library would look like if all his bookcases were all in a row: there are more than 1,300 books and courses in 13 bookcases in his library, and nearly all of them are on personal change. Click on the image to see more detail.]

2. He also teaches people how to make money – or more money – as a life coach/facilitator – often if they’ve done professional training but have conducted no or few coaching sessions themselves so far. Some want a website building like this Triumph Over Challenges website you’re looking at now. More here.

Click here to find out more about doing sessions with Chris – and click here to contact Chris about coaching or other matters.


Info on earlier businesses Chris has been involved in and his insights from them

Television and radio appearances

People Chris respects (who you may have heard of)

Some of the challenges Chris has faced

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