Double-Your-Money-Back Guarantee
You deserve to turn your life around.
And I guarantee it.
If you book a series of video or phone calls with me – or you come and see me – and your life doesn’t dramatically turn around, then I’ll refund every penny/cent you paid, and the same again. No questions asked…
In other words…
Let’s say you have a problem with your relationship: perhaps you’re on the verge of splitting up. If you book some sessions with me, I expect that you’ll soon be reporting to me that your relationship is much better; you’re having sex again, and it’s good; you’re laughing a joking with each other; you feel optimistic, hopeful and re-energised. You’re back in love with your partner.
If, after 6 sessions with me, you don’t feel this way – yet you’ve done the simple, specific 15-minute Daily Practice exercise every day – I’ll give you double your money back.
Your next step…
- give me a ring, or
- email me
…and tell me what is going on in your life, and what you would like to happen instead. If I don’t think I can help, I will tell you. If I think I can, I’ll give you some feedback. If you think you’d like to work with me, we can then get some sessions scheduled.
My contact details are on this page.