How to contact me


There are 2 ways to get hold of me…

1. Use the email link at my Zendesk support site or click on “submit request”. (All messages get to me.)

2. Ring me in the UK on 07747 624140. If you’re outside the UK, call +44 7747 624140.

In other words, if you’re dialing from the USA, call 011 44 7747 624140. Type ‘cheap international calls’ or similar into google if you want to save some money.

However, before you do one of the above, please…

Read the rest of this page before you contact me

I work with clients via Skype, phone and one-on-one if you come and see me in Woking, which is 28 minutes by train from the centre of London. More info here.

You can book a slot with me by going to my online booking site. You’ll be able to see some times when I’m free according to your own time zone.