Raving Testimonials course


How to get your clients to do your selling!

You may have noticed that there are lots of testimonials on this website. Would you like to know how to get similar extraordinary testimonials for your own business – to help you bring in more sales and more clients – and help you to raise your fees by showing how valuable you are?

I have a step-by-step process that I use to get such testimonials.

You’ll learn how to get them yourself. This process works whatever line of business you are in.

Here’s the key: you want your customers to say things about you rather than you saying it yourself on your site and in your brochures, which can look like bragging, and has less credibility.

The product I’ve created is called Raving Testimonials: How To Get Your Clients To Do Your Selling.

What’s unique about it: the ebook and accompanying mp3 recording outlines 3 techniques I use. You may have come across 2 of them before. The difference in this course is that these techniques are outlined in a step-by-step way, so you will actually use these techniques right away.

Please don’t think the processes I recommend are blindingly obvious. They’re not.

You know the film Star Wars? George Lucas had a very unfinished script until he came across a book called The Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, an expert on mythology. Using that work, Lucas was able to recraft and finish his script and create one of the biggest grossing films of all time. Joseph Campbell was a genius. I have studied his work extensively. I use what I learned from Campbell to help create stunning testimonials. You’ll find full details in this course.

My favourite technique, the third technique I use, has the initials FT (the complete wording is given in the ebook). I have used the FT to enable me to obtain some of the best testimonials I have on this site. I have not seen this technique used by anyone else in all my many years of marketing studies (but please put me right, and claim a refund if you wish, if you have come across this technique anywhere else). This technique is especially powerful if you are a coach, consultant, counsellor or trainer, but it can work in any business really.

The Standard Edition of the course sells for $47. There is a Deluxe Edition for $97. This comes with 2 critique vouchers: you can send me 2 testimonials, and I’ll show you how to turn them into knockout ones which will be at least twice as effective at getting you new business.

What you get

As of today, this product is in its second draft: it’s not quite finished. If you order the Deluxe Edition now you can have it for the price of the Standard Edition: $47 – so that’s 50% off.

You can buy this Deluxe Edition at half price on 2 conditions:

1. You email me 2 questions about the techniques within 2 weeks of buying the course. I will answer you in detail by email. If appropriate I will add your question and my answer to the ebook and mp3 recording. I may include your name and city in the material unless you ask me not to do so.

2. You write me a testimonial about the course within 2 weeks of buying the course if you find it as valuable as I hope you will, and email me a followup some time in the future if you get extraordinary results from applying these techniques in your business. If you want to supply an anonymous testimonial, that’s okay by me. And it’s okay too if your testimonial is less than amazingly flattering: I want your honest opinion.

One final thing: you will of course get the final edition of the course at no extra charge when I do the last spit and polish.


Additional bonus if you order now… Jay Abraham, a brilliant marketeer, interviewed me and asked me to explain the process I used to craft my adverts (I have placed more than 400 direct response ads in the National Press in the UK), which generated more than 250,000 enquiries for the products I was selling. You get a transcript of this interview for free, whichever edition you buy. [The information in this transcript will help you craft any kind of promotional material, not just adverts.]

Click one of the Buy buttons below. You will receive a draft copy of the ebook in pdf format within 48 hours of ordering, along with an mp3 reading of it, and the pdf transcript.

Standard Edition: $47

Deluxe Edition: $47 (price to rise very soon). You get a draft copy and need to meet the 2 conditions above

Deluxe Edition: $97 – if you don’t want to ask 2 questions and supply a testimonial.

[Contact me directly here to get an advanced copy.]