Sessions with Chris


The following should answer most or all of your questions…

How I do my sessions

I do most of my sessions via video calls (more info here). I also do telephone sessions for those without a camera on their computer. I occasionally meet up with clients in person for one or more hours at a time.

What I do during a session

I encourage you to bring to mind the issue which is most bothering you so we can focus on that. Even better is to let me know your issue before our first session so I’m mentally prepared.

I support you to look at your issue(s) from new perspectives.

I ask you questions you may not have asked yourself before.

I focus on what you want to feel and know/understand by the end of each session and aim to get you that result within 60-90 minutes.

I share principles about life which you may not have considered before.

I do not ask for your life story or ask you for a lot of detail about an issue: just the minimum of information so we have something to work with.

What I am not

I am not medically qualified, and our time together is not a substitute for professional medical care. So please do not make any changes to any medicines you have been prescribed without consulting your doctor.

How I charge

I charge by the session which is 55 minutes – or 85 minutes for those who want accelerated results.

Payment is before each session, in cash if we meet face-to-face, or by Paypal in advance if we do a session by phone or online video chat.

If you cancel a session within 24-48 hours, we can re-schedule the call. If you cancel a session less than 24 hours before it is due to start, there is no refund.

What you get in addition to our time together

  • Email support: I will answer your questions.
  • Document review: I will read any ‘homework’ you pass to me or email me.
  • Articles: I will email you articles I have written to illustrate certain principles.
  • mp3s: I will email you mp3 tracks for you to listen to, including a 6-minute track I encourage you to listen to daily for 2 weeks. This material is adapted from my Effort-Free Life System CDs which has sold for £197 (US$347) to £997 (US$1,497).
  • I record each session and then I email it to you if you want a copy. (More about this here.) These recordings are kept strictly confidential.

What you can expect to get from each session

At the end of a session you should have…

  • a calmer mind.
  • less stress.
  • a greater sense of hope.
  • new “aha’s” about your life and your challenges.
  • greater understanding about yourself and others.
  • a deeper feeling of gratitude for your life.
  • deeper love for your partner, children and parents.
  • a greater clarity about your life ahead.
  • greater self love.
  • less guilt about the past.
  • less fear about the future.
  • less mind chatter.
  • a feeling of lightness.

These feelings should continue into the day after the session then begin to fade gradually over the following days. Over time you’ll get better at staying calm and centred during your day and on subsequent days before our next call.

What we can cover in a session

  • Relationship issues you are facing
  • Your greatest challenge and how to handle it
  • Your greatest fear(s), and how to get rid of them
  • Your greatest regret(s), and how to break free of these
  • What you dislike/hate about yourself or someone else
  • A health issue you have, and how to move to greater health
  • What you consider not to be working in your life
  • How to find your life’s purpose
  • How to make difficult decisions
  • How to have a quieter mind

…and more

Questions I have been asked…

Chris, are you like a motivational coach?

No. I’ve used many coaches myself since I set up my own business 17 years ago, and some of them I’d call motivational coaches. I didn’t get the best value from these sessions: Often the coach would get me to do, say, 3 things before our session the following week and he’d help me to get motivated to do them. Sometimes I’d end up doing those tasks right before the next session, racing around like a mad thing. I’d have to do a forfeit such as clean the windows if I didn’t do the tasks before the deadline we had agreed. I don’t believe this kind of coaching really works.

What I do in my sessions is help clients to get re-inspired about their lives so they are get on and do what they would love to do without me using some kind of stick. So I’m more inspirational than motivational.

Are you a life coach?

No. Life coaches generally ask you what you want and then support you to come up with action steps to help you move forward. They rarely look at your past. I do delve into your past if I feel that that is where your mental block may be.

Are you a counsellor?

I’ve not a fully-trained counsellor, though I have done trainings in psychotherapy and Transactional Analysis – plus many other trainings. One definition of counsellor is “a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems” – and I do offer that. What I really do is help you see your life and your challenges in a new way so you come into your power and make changes, if necessary, from that new sense of power.

Will it take me a lot of sessions to see results?

No. You should feel very different at the end of the very first session, and I’ll email you a document containing a few simple tools to enable you to significantly reduce anger, frustration, blame etc and get back on track to create the life you’d love to have.

Almost everyone who books a first session with me goes on to book further sessions. Roughly by the end of session 4 they have significantly moved forward in their lives with a major breakthrough. Some people stop the sessions at this point. Others want to carry on to get even deeper results.

You can contrast that with counselling which, in some cases, can go on for many months with clients not achieving a major breakthrough, but only experiencing a subtle reduction in the pain they are going through.

I’ve been doing this work long enough to be able to get to the root of an issue quickly and help you triumph over the challenges in your life in the shortest time possible.

Do you offer any money-back guarantees on any sessions we book?

I would like to remove any barrier to you trying me out. If you book a series of sessions, you follow the simple daily practice I give you, and you don’t feel you are significantly further forward, then I will give you double your money back. (More here.)

Can we talk first before I book a session with you?

I value my time. I prefer to handle questions by email. However if you really need to talk with me first, then I can set aside 10-15 minutes to talk, but please come prepared for the call by writing your questions down beforehand, and don’t expect me to carry on after 10-15 minutes unless you’re willing to pay me for that time. Does that seem fair? Contact me here.

How to book a session

Fill in the questionnaire which I will email you once you’ve made contact using the contact form.