Support pages for your website
Below are links to pages I have created to help you run your new website.
To run your site(s) you need 2 software programs…
- an offline pages/posts editor for WordPress sites
- an ftp program for uploading movies, mp3s and pdfs
Review of MarsEdit – a Mac app to create and edit pages and posts for your website(s).
How to use MarsEdit (videos)…
- how to add an image to your post or page
- how to add further images
- how to copy text from someone’s website and paste it into your own post/page
Review of Fetch ftp (software for Mac) – read this review to understand what an ftp program is and what you can use it for
How to upload a pdf to your website – a video which shows the Fetch and MarsEdits apps for Mac (there are very similar apps for PC).