Your second gift
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Well done for digging out the name of the researcher!
Please click on the links below to download your free ebook and mp3 recording:
Stop Your Shoulding pdf ebook
The mp3 audio file is here.
(If you have an Apple Mac, hold down the Alt/Opt key to the left of the Cmd key before clicking on the above links.)
I know how easy it is to download ebooks and then never open them – or download mp3s and never listen to them!
1. I encourage you to open the above pdf the moment you’ve downloaded it, and flick through the pages – it’s only a short 15-minute read at the most!
Or add an entry to your diary or To Do List to read it.
2. Copy the mp3 into iTunes, or wherever you put your mp3s, and listen to at least the first 2 minutes now to get a flavour of it. You can always listen to the rest another time.
Chris Payne
P.S. If you have any problems accessing or opening these files – or any questions about my products – drop me a line via my Zendesk support site.